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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

What to do if you have mold and how to fix it

6/17/2024 (Permalink)

There are many hazards that a small business owner or landlord has to take into account when maintaining their buildings and places of work. One of these hazards is mold and the smelly mycotoxin that always accompanies it. When allowed to go unchecked, this hazard can potentially ruin the hard work that has gone into a building or grind the business conducted within to a halt. To help prevent this, here are a few steps for renters and maintenance workers on how to recognize and fix mold growth.

1. Use Your Eyes

Mold can easily be mistaken for dirt or dust if not thoroughly inspected. Depending on what fungus present, the mold could take on a variety of different shades and textures. However, mold may not have a visual presence.

2. Use Your Nose

Spores often incubate where small hidden leaks show up or where condensation builds as a result of a possibly broken air condition unit or something similar. When this happens, investigators can rely on their noses. Mold growth is often revealed by a variation of a musty odor.

However, it's important to take note of any new smells. This is due to the scent of mold changing based on the spore count and where it is in its life cycle. After all, the smell is formed by the mycotoxin released by mold eating and multiplying.

3. Fix the Problem

Once the mold has been found, whether it’s out in the open or recently excavated, it’s important to immediately focus on mold remediation. This is because mold spreads quickly, often manifesting within 48–72 hours. If it looks like the mold is relatively contained and has only covered a small surface area, it is possible to get it cleaned up. In this case, cleaners should use the proper equipment and maintain safety standards during the process.

When maintaining a building, it’s good to be perceptive. If the mold has spread, remember that it’s important to call in a professional cleaning service. Safety should always be a priority when dealing with mold and its mycotoxin.

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